return to full function IS JUST A CLICK AWAY.

What is the Sailor Jack's Barbell Garage difference in relation to therapeutic treatment?

The difference comes down to two attributes, unique to Sailor Jack's: synergy & utility.  Our clinicians, strive to create a safe, collaborative space where our patients can feel both encouraged and empowered to become active participants on their own unique journey back toward optimal function and recovery.   This is synergy.  The unified, collaborative spirit of a patient and a practitioner working in concert, with one another, to achieve an optimal treatment outcome.  

Our utility lies in the ability of a single practitioner being capable of seamlessly applying a diverse, multi-modal approach to our patient's care and return to activity plan.  Imagine: dealing with a single clinician that can seamlessly flow from: Neurofunctional acupuncture to massage; massage to cupping; cupping to scraping (Graston Technique™); scraping (Graston Technique™) to infrared light therapy; infrared light therapy to Transcutaneous Electro-Neural Muscular Stimulation [TENS]; TENS to kinesio-taping; kinesio-taping to Strength & Performance Coaching—all in one single location, all with a single practitioner!

What this means for you, as our patient, is: no lost time commuting from one office to the next and no headaches trying to coordinate treatment plans between multiple practitioners.  Ultimately, our utility and ability to work synergistically with you lends itself to a best-in-class service experience for you, as our patient.

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Massage is a form of manual therapy that includes holding, moving, and applying pressure to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia in order to improve their wellbeing or health.

When used in conjunction with: good quality sleep, proper hydration & nutritional practices as well as regular mobility and strength training protocols; massage is an excellent therapeutic adjunct that supports the body's natural ability to: 

  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Improve circulation
  • Stimulate the lymphatic system
  • Reduce of stress hormones
  • Promote relaxation
  • Increase joint mobility and overall flexibility
  • Improve skin tone
  • Improve recovery of soft tissue injuries
  • Heighten mental acuity 
  • Reduce anxiety and depression.

Instrument Assisted Soft tissue Mobilization [IASTM]

IASTM, is a deep–tissue therapeutic modality that specifically targets the intimately and infinitely interconnected fascial matrix of the body.  IASTM is used to promote smooth blood flow, fluid circulation and drainage throughout the body.  All in an effort to further support and aid the body in it's innate ability to expeditiously remove markers of systemic inflammation.  

In restoring unrestricted blood flow and fluid circulation and promoting waste drainage throughout these interdependent networks of tissues, optimal tissue function is restored to the working body and, as a byproduct, optimal performance may now be obtained.  

Nowhere is the adage: motion is lotion, movement is medicine and mobility is motility... more immediately visible than in the practice of IASTM.   

What is CUPPING?

Cupping is a transcutaneous therapeutic modality that is used to help soothe and treat the superficial layers of the dermis as well as the deeper fascial layers of tissue in the body. The fascial matrix of tissue is what encases the muscles and helps to hold them in place while simultaneously providing critical kinesthetic and proprioceptive feedback to the brain about our body's location in space and time with respect to our surroundings.  Think of the fascial layers of tissue within your body as being akin to the marshmallows in a rice crispy square.  The marshmallows hold the rice cripsy squares in place when at room temperature but with a little heat that marshmallow filling starts to become more malleable and the rice crispy bits can start to move a little more freely.   

*Please Note:  Cupping treatment at Sailor Jack's is different then most widely used methods of cupping available through other clinics.  Whereas, other clinics will use either: plastic pump-air exhaust or silicon cups to create pressure and suction, we employ fire to evacuate the air from our glass cups.  

The use of glass cups provides a more complete and even seal as well as uniform and consistent suction.  The heat transferred from the fire used to evacuate the air from the cups provides additional soothing warmth to the body contributing to increasing the overall therapeutic effect provided by the cups.

Covered By Most Insurance Providers:


Initial Intake Assessment

90 minutes

(45min assessment + 45min treatment)


60 minutes


*2+ therapeutic modalities


90 minutes


*3+ therapeutic modalities

Late Cancellation Fee: $25.00 (>24hr notice)

Strength • Performance • lifestyle 

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© Sailor Jack's Barbell Garage 2023